Steamed Pearled Barley
Workshop: Revised Service in the repository deposit Now that the web service is deployed, it is to be included in the repository. To not do this work manually, Oracle provides the repository and the harvester tool.
The harvester is configured in Workshop image above, the instructions as the harvester is fitted is also on
FMW-German .
The configuration, which tells the Harvester to collect what he should and where to put the result found in the file ~ oracle/app/Middleware/repository111/harvester/HarvesterSettings1.xml. It contains the following entries:
\u0026lt;uri> http://localhost:7101/oer \u0026lt;/ uri> \u0026lt;credentials>
\u0026lt;user> admin \u0026lt;/ user>
\u0026lt;password> v2_1.qxO4nSjgNEDgcGNqdjE01A = = \u0026lt;/ password>
\u0026lt;/ credentials>
\u0026lt;timeout> 30000 \u0026lt;/ timeout>
\u0026lt; serverType> WLS \u0026lt;/ serverType>
\u0026lt;ProjectName> HRservice-HRservice-context-root \u0026lt;/ ProjectName>
\u0026lt; user> weblogic \u0026lt;/ user>
\u0026lt;password> v2_1.G NTr3az8thaGGJBn0vwPg + == \u0026lt;/ password>
\u0026lt;/ credentials>
\u0026lt;/ query>
. can
The error messages for OSB-plugin ignore it here. Important in the end the result is "Successfully completed the harvest" is.
The successful harvest process can be reviewed in the web interface of the Oracle Enterprise Repository. This is reflected in the workshop environment under the URL
The username is admin and the password like everywhere else in the workshop Oracle123
On the main page of the OER can now be searched for new entries. To this end the 'Registration Status' next to 'Unregistered' is set and the search will be executed. On the right, then the artifacts found are listed: service, interface, endpoint, and WSDL.
If you select the row with the service can be called in on the left button of the Navigator.
the button with the slanting double arrow can enlarge the display. This so-called Spiderweb diagram shows the collected links between artifacts. There
The Asset Editor is based on the Java Web Start technology. Depending on the browser (like Firefox here in the workshop-image). If there are no Java Web Start application opens, perhaps the Java plugin for the browser is not properly installed.
If everything is properly set up, will the Asset Editor. Here the details for the service and the collected artifacts can be viewed. However, the Services are still in the status Unsubmitted '. In support of a SOA governance goes through the registration of assets, a process. To register for the assets in fast-forward, the next steps for simplification are directly carried out in succession by the administrator.
is given each asset individually, first submitted, you do so at the tab 'Administration' click on 'Submit'. are then the assets in the status 'Pending Review' under 'Submitted', broken down according to their types.
Continue from here via the button 'Accept'
This means that the assets are in state 'Under Review' Now the are envisaging slower growth asset with the 'Register' in the repository registered
So are the added to the assets in the repository registered Harvester available. The log of the registration process can be viewed on the right side down.
For the service and later recovered is, it should be properly indexed in the repository. For the workshop, send a short description: "Returns to a transferred employee number of the first and last name of the employee." The change is saved with File .'s
---> Next step: make
request for new Web services into the repository
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